Product Design & Development

Seiyoon is a human-centred product design and development firm, industrial design company and innovation center of excellence. We take ideas and turn them into reality through product design & development.

Product Design Services

As a product design company, we prioritize functional industrial design that emphasizes intuitive creativity and calculated scientific decision-making. Our highly collaborative environment allows our designers to find best-in-class solutions that consider product form and function, usability, physical ergonomics, marketing, brand development, sustainability, and sales.

Our past industrial design projects have blended art and science into sustainable package design, consumer products, user experiences, medical devices and more. Our industrial company offers great design anywhere and for everyone, and we are driven by our mission of creating impactful solutions that are both financially successful and address the most pressing social issues of our time. We work with large enterprises and small business alike.

Product Engineering Services

Our company’s expert product engineering and product development team has decades of experience in engineering and developing simple and complex mechanical and electro-mechanical systems. Among top product design firms and product development companies, Seiyoon has a rare combination of this in-house technical expertise and the facilities required to engineer and develop new product and take them to market. This enables us to develop prototypes in-hour, speeding time to market through quick-fail assessments. While we consider design for manufacturing in all our designs, we are also able to liaise with or source manufactured and suppliers.

Research & Development Services

Being a product design company, we rely on our top-notch research team – experts in ethnographic research and synthesizing consumer insights. Strategy is a design competency that links brand, product, and market. Our designers create three types of strategies:
A relative strategy that confronts the existence of competing companies and products to find the right whitespace;
A scalable strategy that looks ahead to the future of business and industry;
An adaptive strategy that changes a strategy in the context of new information.
A successful business, product, or service needs to consider all three. In most cases, designers are not the consumers and without deeper understanding and insights into people’s behaviour and psychological patterns, Seiyoon designs would be unable to create long and lasting benefits over many years. The foundation of this success comes from insights into people, their needs, their aspirations, their challenges, how they work, live, and play, and the interior and social architecture of their lives.

Product Development Services

We are known for our exceptional product development process, which takes products from the idea stage all the way to successful launch. Our process is comprehensive and begins with understanding our clients’ needs and goals. We work closely with them to identify their target audience, their budget, and the unique features they want in their product.

Plan phase – key milestones and timelines.
Design phase – create realistic and accurate product designs.
Prototype phase – test the product’s features and functionality.
Production phase – oversee the manufacturing process.
Our team works closely with our clients throughout this phase, providing regular updates and ensuring that the product is launched on time and within budget.

Industrial Design Services

We design physical experiences that elevate the human experience. We utilize a human-centred, collaborative, and cross-functional process to create industrial designs that increase quality of life and drive user adoption. We begin every project understanding the strategic goals of our client and developing deep empathy with our target customers. We leverage our advanced human-centred framework Psycho-Aesthetics™ to develop strong alignment and consistent delivery throughout the process.
Our industrial Design process is a transformational creation, design, and innovation starting from an idea. In the design phase of our process, our designers transform Key Attractors into tangible elements. Often elements of a new product pose unique technological, engineering, or design challenges. In those cases, we sometimes must invent new technology or use existing technologies or materials in new ways. We overcome these challenges by focusing on those issues first. Once solved, these issues provide the foundation to design and engineer the rest of the product.


Concept Visualization
Aesthetics Refinement (CMF)
Human factors & ergonomics analysis
Functional invention and feature exploration
Physical model making & validation.
Material and detail specification
Packaging design
Sustainable design
Integrated Design and Development
Emerging Technology Integration
Business Model Design
Experiential Prototyping

Cost optimization

With globalization and technological advancements, the current manufacturing landscape is becoming increasingly challenging. Manufacturers must implement measures to improve utilization of resources, short-term cost-cutting techniques, and long-term cost optimization strategies. The total product cost drives product pricing, which influences a company’s profit and revenue growth. This cost is a cumulative function shaped by the actions of engineering, manufacturing and sourcing.

Product cost optimization is a strategy to identify the impact of these elements on cost and implement sustainable measures to optimize it.

Imperative to the optimization activity is establishing a scientific baseline of cost for each component of a product. Using this cost baseline, we can identify the drivers that influence the product’s cost and utilize cross-functional expertise in design, manufacturing and supply chain to find and implement solutions for cost reduction.

Our approach utilizes tools, automation and in-house expertise across functions and domains to ensure rapid and accurate results for huge volumes. It can make a significant difference in establishing a cost baseline for a product at an early stage.

Seiyoon CoE for Product Cost Optimization has laid a roadmap to reach these cost reduction and control goals through our offerings:


Engineering levers

Manufacturing levers

Supply chain levers